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Thomas Eiche



Tel.      +41 61 261 03 04

Mobile +41 79 770 46 59



Gempenstrasse 50

CH-4133 Pratteln

UID: CHE-480.063.593 MWST

To person

Thomas Eiche contributes his professional experience and training. He knows companies from the inside out, from chemical SMEs to pharmaceuticals groups, and is a certified occupational hygienist and doctorate in chemistry, certified under Swiss law and the IOHA. He is well networked and brings a wide range of experience in chemistry, occupational hygiene, risk analysis, safety, quality management, the environment, resource and energy efficiency, planning and personnel management of a HSE department.

Professional background

since 07/01/2014

2018 to June 2019 (bankruptcy)

2001 to 2014

1996 to 2001

1993 to 1996

Managing Director of Thomas Eiche GmbH, Pratteln, health protection / industrial hygienist, risk management and environment

Head of Safety, Health, Environment at RohnerChem, Pratteln (top management, part-time)

Member of the management of vanBaerle AG, Münchenstein, Head of Quality, Environment and Safety (including infrastructure, laboratory management, site planning)

Member of the Emergency Management at Novartis Pharma AG, Basel / Schweizerhalle plants, occupational hygiene specialist and trainer in safety and environmental protection

Safety and Environment Basel plant of Sandoz AG


Industrial hygiene expert in the EKAS industry solutions


  • VSAS (67 switchgears and automation)

  • Occupational safety in Switzerland (49 institutions in the public interest)

  • Coiffure Suisse

  • Swiss energy industry VSE

  • Swiss Gas and Water Association SVGW

  • Swiss Safety Center

  • Industrial hygienist for companies in various sectors

Voluntary work

Board member (secretary) of the Swiss Society for Occupational Hygiene SGAH SSHT SSIL SSOH (

Education and degrees

Dr. phil. II University of Basel

Chemist University of Freiburg i. Br.

NDS work and health ETHZ and UNIL

Industrial hygienist SGAH  (international certification by the IOHA)


1 996 to 1998

Postgraduate studies in work + health, University of Lausanne / ETH Zurich


1988 to 1992

Dissertation on soil fertility / field of environmental analysis, Institute for Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Basel


1981 to 1987

Degree in chemistry, University of Freiburg im Breisgau / D

Thomas Eiche GmbH

Gempenstrasse 50

CH-4133 Pratteln

0041 79 770 46 59

© 2021 by thomas eiche

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